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Senior Member Receives Personal Invitation from National Commander

by Tom Highway

Warren Floyd, a long time Civil Air Patrol member is nothing if not humble.

“I’ve never done much, I guess. I mean, I was a Cadet in the Oklahoma Wing. I have a Com Com and an MSA, a few certs, like LMA and Axis. Of course, I’ve got my levels complete. I don’t want to show off, so I only wear the Aviator shirt with just my Observer’s Wings and Safety Badge,” he says. “But I do share a lot of my thoughts on CAPTalk and a few CAP Facebook pages, and I get my share of ‘likes’. So, yeah, I guess I’m kind of a big deal.”

“At least, the National Commander thinks so!” He says with obvious pride. “You could knock me over with a feather. Who’d have thought that being a long-time and dedicated member would pay off like this!”

Warren Floyd is gazing upon a very special letter that he received from NHQ: An invitation to join the Commander’s Circle.

ANN Contacted Mr. Keyfer Nylock, National Director of Charitable Giving, for more information about this coveted invite.

“Yeah, basically, ‘Nominated for Commander’s Circle’ means ‘send us money’,” he said, rolling his eyes. “It’s a new tactic, a nice one. It’s got a nice presorted stamp. But jeebus, it’s just a mass mailing.”

Nylock continues, “The Commander’s Circle is where the Commander circles the dollar amount we expect you to donate. And then you give it. Congratulations! Maj Gen Smith has circled a $2,000 gift for you. And he has deemed you worthy to have checked the box to make this a quarterly recurring gift. Please remit forthwith.”

“Thank you, Citizens. Semper Vigilans & God bless America,” Nylock concluded.

“Really, I’m just floored,” Floyd says. “I didn’t even know the National Commander knew who I was!”

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